As Reklam Merkezi, we inform you that we make a special effort and care to process and store personal data belonging to the persons related to our company in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data and the relevant legislation, with the importance we attach to the protection of your personal data and private information. In this context, please review our privacy and personal data protection and processing policy explained below.
1- This privacy policy, Reklam Merkezi Ltd. Şti. (hereinafter referred to as the "Rm"), the website users and visitors (hereinafter referred to as the "data owner") during the operation of the www.reklammerkezi.com.tr website (hereinafter referred to as the "website"). .), the terms and conditions for the use of personal data shared with the user or generated by the user data owner during the use of the website.
2- The Data Owner declares that he is enlightened with this Privacy Policy regarding the processing of his personal data and that he consents to the use of his personal data as specified here.
3- Personal data, processed by the Rm and in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as "KVKK"), is any kind of data that makes real persons specific or identifiable. Unless otherwise expressly stated, within the scope of the terms and conditions provided under this Privacy Policy, the term "Personal Data" will cover the following information:
· Communication information
User Information
User Transaction Information
Process Security Information
Request / Complaint Management Information
4- Data made anonymized pursuant to Articles 3 and 7 of the KVKK will not be considered as Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned law and the processing activities related to these data will be carried out without being bound by the provisions of this privacy policy.
5- Rm will be able to process the personal data provided by the data owner for the planning and execution of the activities required for the recommendation and promotion of the personal data provided by the products and services by customizing them according to the likes, usage habits and needs of the relevant people.
6- Rm will be able to process and share Personal Data with third parties in accordance with Articles 5 and 8 of the KVKK or in the presence of exceptions in the relevant legislation, without the consent of the data owner. The main of these situations are as follows:
It is clearly stipulated in the laws,
It is compulsory for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the person who is unable to disclose his consent due to the actual impossibility or whose consent is not legally valid,
It is necessary to process personal data, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of any contract between the data owner and the Rm,
It is mandatory for the company to fulfill its legal obligations,
It has been made public by the data owner himself,
Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, use or protection of a right,
· If data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the Rm, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data owner.
7- Rm will be able to transfer the Personal Data of the data owner and the new data obtained using this Personal Data to the third parties from whom the services are used in order to achieve the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy, limited to the provision of such services. Rm will also be able to transfer data to business partners, suppliers and legally authorized institutions and organizations within the scope of the purposes specified in this privacy policy.
8- Rm, to improve the Data Owner experience (including improvement and personalization), to ensure the security of the Data Owner, to detect fraudulent or unauthorized use, to investigate operational evaluation, to eliminate errors regarding website services and to realize any of the purposes included in this privacy policy. It will be able to share with third parties such as outsourcing service providers, hosting service providers, law firms, research companies, call centers, including those who send SMS.
9- The data owner accepts that the third parties mentioned may store the personal data of the serial owner on their servers all over the world, limited to the purposes stated above, and that he / she consents to this in advance.
10- In accordance with Article 11 of KVKK, data owners have the following rights:
Learning whether personal data is being processed,
Requesting information if personal data has been processed
Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used appropriately for their purpose,
To know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom personal data have been transferred, to request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data have been transferred, to request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear, despite the fact that it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the law and other relevant laws, and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred, object to the occurrence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
To request the compensation of the damage in case of damage due to the unlawful processing of personal data
11-If the said rights are communicated by personal data owners in writing on the website www.reklammerkezi.com.tr or by the methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board, they will be evaluated and concluded as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest. Although it is essential not to charge any fee for the requests, if the transaction requires an additional cost for the Rm, the right to charge a fee on the fee schedule determined by the Personal Data Protection Board is reserved.
12- The data owner undertakes that the information subject to this privacy policy is complete, accurate and up-to-date and will update them immediately in case of any change in this information. If the data owner does not provide up-to-date information, the Rm will not have any responsibility.
13- The data owner declares that he / she may not be able to fully benefit from the operation of the website in the event that his / her Personal Data cannot be used by the Rm, and that any responsibility arising in this context will be his / her own.
14- Rm will keep the Personal Data provided by the data owner for the period required by the above-mentioned processing purposes. In addition, Rm will be able to store Personal Data for the duration of the limitation period determined in accordance with the relevant legislation, limited to the purpose of making the necessary defenses within the scope of the dispute, in case of any conflict that may arise between the data owner and the data owner.
15- Rm, under the conditions specified in the relevant legislation or stated in this Privacy Policy;
Personal Data are not processed illegally,
· Personal Data are not accessed illegally and
· Protection of Personal Data
undertakes to take the necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate security level and to have the necessary inspections done.
16- Rm cannot disclose the personal data it obtains about the data subject to anyone in violation of this privacy policy and the provisions of the Law, and cannot use it for purposes other than processing.
17- Rm has no responsibility for the privacy policies and contents of the applications in case of linking to other applications through the website.
Cookies are used on the website to enable data owners to benefit from the website in the most efficient way and to improve the user experience.
Cookies are very small text files, usually consisting of letters and numbers, that are saved by the visited websites to a computer (or other devices such as a smartphone or tablet) through browsers. Cookies do not contain personal data about visitors such as name, gender or address.
Cookies are created by servers that manage the website visited. Thus, when the visitor visits the same site, the server can understand it. Cookies can be compared to identity cards that show website owners that the same visitor revisits the site.
If the use of cookies is not preferred, cookies can be deleted or blocked from the settings section of the browser. This situation may affect the use of the website. Unless the cookie settings are changed from the browser, it will mean that the use of cookies on this website is accepted.
The main purposes of using cookies on the website are as follows:
- Improving the services offered to visitors by increasing the functionality and performance of the website,
- Improving the Website and offering new features on the Website and personalizing the offered features according to your preferences,
- To ensure the legal and commercial security of the website, visitor and Rm.